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Results for "main_practice: "Transformation", latest_content: 1"
Becoming a Wise Elder A journey through eight gates, each with its own gift, task, and challenge, on the way to becoming wise people.
Centering Prayer Teachings about a no-frills form of meditation which reconnects directly to Christianity’s hidden treasury of mystical wisdom.
Practicing Spirituality with Parker J. Palmer A multidisciplinary approach to change and transformation as an essential part of the human adventure.
Catalysts for Change Readings and spiritual practices to help you make small steps to turn your life around.
Rumi - Living a Spiritual Life Commentaries and audio meditations revealing the universal spiritual teaching in Rumi's unforgettable metaphors.
Letting Go Teachings from the wisdom traditions to help you experience the freedom of releasing things.
Gifts of a Scarred Soul An e-course on how the spiritual challenge of struggle transforms us.
Reframing A 21-day program on seeing things differently as you put your mind under new management.
Embracing Living: The Welcoming Prayer Step-by-step instructions on Welcoming Prayer to deepen this profound practice.
The Gift of Life A contemplative engagement with the great themes of Lent as a way of seeing, reflecting, and then living them in your own life.